You just started your online business and you’re full of energy and passion  

but here’s what’s really going on:  

You’re struggling to find clients and you’re not sure where to start looking for them. Everyone keeps telling you that you should put your business online and you know that this ‘online thing’ works but you’re not sure how. All this marketing jargon is like another language to you and all the social media ‘stuff’ out there has you completely overwhelmed. Really, all you want to do is focus on what you love doing, make money and be a change maker.  

When everyone else around you seems to have it all figured out you feel like a hamster trapped in the ever moving marketing wheel…  

They all make online marketing seem so easy. Posting a blog post here, sending out a newsletter there, snapping yet another selfie, keeping the social media beast moving on a daily basis.  

What you wouldn’t give for a peek behind the scenes to find out how they do it.  

You’d love to know how to build a solid marketing foundation for your business growth and let your business shine in a soulful magnetic way.  

Oh, and let’s not forget growing your business bank account… after all, you’re in business right?

If you want to grow your business you HAVE to market it, or how else are your clients going to find you?

… and you know this but you just struggle to put the puzzle pieces together on exactly how you should do this.  

You love your business, you love helping your clients but you really don’t like promoting yourself because you feel pushy and shouty.  

You’ve created a beautiful business that really solves your clients’ problems and helps them in a way nobody else does. You’ve spoken to a few people who love what you do and tell you that there’s a real need for what you do.  

If only you knew how to reach more people without feeling pushy.  

Honestly, soulful marketing is possible.  

I’m not here to tell you that it’s always easy, but what I can tell you is that there is a way to feel good about promoting your business. The first step is to build the online marketing foundations so that it’s easier, more streamlined and ‘less about you and more about your clients’.  

Afterall, your beautiful business needs a solid marketing foundation to grow and shine!

What if someone would teach you how to build your online marketing foundations by showing you exactly what to do to and how to do it?

I’m talking about how to be a soulful marketer, how to set up your social media platforms, how to setup your email marketing, how to use online marketing tools to grow your business and most of all how to use them to get paid.

  • Continuous growth of your social media following

  • Build a community that loves you back so that you can make more sales from your business

  • reate new opportunities for your business, such as guest blogging and podcast interviews

  • Attract engaged fans that spread the word for you

  • Grow confidence in looking after your social media platforms and email marketing

  • Set yourself up for strong and clear business growth & results

  • and more…

But why should online marketing be your top priority?

Online marketing isn’t a new trend that entrepreneurs can choose to pick up. In fact, it’s the opposite… online marketing has been around for quite some time now and it’s not going to disappear anytime soon. Sadly, far too many small business owners neglect how important online marketing is for their business success.  

Sure, online marketing takes away valuable time that they rather spend elsewhere. Plus it can cost money, something that they also rather avoid. Some struggle with the technology or simply don’t care or feel that they don’t need it. The reality is though that customers do care and for small businesses to be relevant in today’s noisy market, being online can no longer be avoided. It’s a must for business success. 

Having a website that’s search optimized, being on social media that you actually engage with and adding email into your marketing strategy may be daunting to some, terrifying to others, but it’s actually quite easy for small businesses to do. 

Technology helps us entrepreneurs make consistent, frequent updates to online marketing and social media platforms so that we’re not spending all of our time online. The best thing is that the data available to us from social media, email marketing and other online strategies offers incredible insights into what our customers want, which for me is more than enough of a reason to make online marketing a priority. 

If you want to build a successful business, whether you’re an online business or not, you can’t avoid online marketing. 

Consumers (like me and you) surf the internet to discover what to do, where to go, who to buy things from and more. Even for businesses that don’t sell online! Shopping online isn’t the only reason your ideal client spends time online…  

So why should online marketing be one of your top priorities?  

Customers are online, which mean you need to be, too.

That’s why I created the Marketing Vault

In this program you’ll learn the exact steps to setup your online marketing platforms and promote your business with confidence so that you can be the change-maker you dream to be!